

Teaching Kids Business with Brian McClatchie

What's this episode all about?

As parents, you have the most influence on how your kids deal with money in their adult life. So, what are you teaching your children that you wished you had learned early in life? There are age-appropriate ways to teach financial literacy to kids. The important thing is to make it simple and fun. Today, Brian McClatchie will share how you can teach your kids about the value of money. He draws from his experience with hiring his five daughters and paying them generously.

Top 3 Things
You’ll Learn

  1. How to teach your kids about money and business
  2. How to change other people's lives and leave a lasting impact
  3. The benefit of paying your kids as they work for your business


Brian McClatchie

Brian McClatchie co-owns Land Hunter, a family-run small business specializing in buying and selling hunting properties and other types of raw vacant land. His wife and all five of his daughters are involved in their land business. Connect with Brian McClatchie: Website - http://landhunter.com/

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