

Our Passive Income Report - October 2021

What's this episode all about?

Having multiple passive income streams allows you the freedom to choose how you want to spend your time. You no longer have to trade your time for money. It has been Russ and Joey’s goal to help others on their journey to financial freedom, which is why they've been sharing their monthly passive income report -- to encourage you to take action and start building your passive income. As they share their investments, they also share the challenges and lessons they’ve learned. If you're considering where to put your money, the biggest and most consistently profitable investment they have made is in the short-term rental economy. Take a look at the rest of their ventures as you enjoy another episode of the monthly passive income report. --- To learn more about land flipping, listen to two previous episodes: Why Land Flipping Is A Viable Option For Building Wealth And Generating Passive Income w/Mark Podolsky: https://www.wealthwithoutwallstreet.com/podcast/why-land-flipping-is-a-viable-option-for-building-wealth-and-generating-passive-income-w-mark-podolsky How to Earn $15K a Month Land Flipping with Sid Christensen: https://www.wealthwithoutwallstreet.com/podcast/how-to-earn-15k-a-month-land-flipping-with-sid-christensen

Top 3 Things
You’ll Learn


October 2021 Income At-A-Glance: Gross Income for October: $123,851.59 Total Expenses for October: $56,284.95 Total Net Profit for October: $67,566.64 Difference b/t October & September: $27,196.89 % of net profit to overall gross revenue: 55%

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Episode Specific Resources:

  • Learn more about Real Estate Investing from The Land Geek:
    Click Here!
  • Join the Passive Income MasterMind:
    Click Here!

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