

The Active Income vs Passive Income Dilemma

What's this episode all about?

Passive income sounds amazing, but is it really better than active income? Both incomes are required at some point in your lifetime, but which one can help you reach financial freedom faster? What exactly is the difference between active and passive income, and why should you care? That's what Russ and Joey will discuss today. So don't miss the conversation. Top three things you will learn: How to deal with the interest rate dilemma How to use your experience to get involved in profitable investment opportunities Active Income vs. Passive Income October 2023 Income At-A-Glance: Gross Income for October: $64,910.23 Total Expenses for October: $25,926.47 Total Net Profit for October: $38,983.76 Difference b/t September & October: $2,692.37 % of net profit to overall gross revenue: 60%

Top 3 Things
You’ll Learn


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