

Round Table | Million Dollar Moments From Inner Circle Live Nashville

What's this episode all about?

In a time when most of our connections are done virtually and virtual environments are becoming more immersive, people from different parts of the world can gather together virtually without having to travel miles. But nothing beats the experience of attending a live event and being physically present with people who share the same goals, aspirations, and visions for the future.

Top 3 Things
You’ll Learn

  1. The importance of participating in live events and being in the company of like-minded people
  2. Figuring out which businesses you can invest in without creating another job for yourself (passive investing)
  3. How to teach your children about money and prepare them to build their financial future


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Join our online community! Not only will you be able to interact with our podcast guests via exclusive Q&A sessions, but you’ll also be given free access to our Financial Freedom 101 course that’s designed to clarify and accelerate your path to Financial Freedom. Sign-up today and immerse yourself with others who are breaking free from corporate America and Wall Street.
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Episode Specific Resources:

  • Join the Passive Income Retreat, Oct. 11-13, 2023
    Click Here!
  • Take advantage of a Free Financial Strategy Call
    Click Here!

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