

Our Passive Income Report - September 2021

What's this episode all about?

It's been over a year since Russ and Joey started sharing their monthly passive income report. From $3500 a month to their current earnings, we can see that they have come a long way. There were ventures that weren’t so successful, but the short-term rental and land business continue to bring in a huge chunk of their monthly income. Although this month's income is lower compared to August, earning $40,000 in passive income is still very motivating. What's more exciting about this month's report is the entry of Cousin Eddie the RV. So let's jump into the details of the September 2021 Passive Income Report and get more inspiration to start our own financial freedom journey. September 2021 Income At-A-Glance: Gross Income for September: $100,001.21 Total Expenses for September: $59,631.96 Total Net Profit for September: $40,369.75 Difference b/t September & August: ($28,186.24) % of net profit to overall gross revenue: 40%

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Sign Up for the Short-Term Rental Mastermind Class: A 6-month MasterMind with End-to-End instruction for setting up your 1st Short-Term Rental and all the systems needed to grow it to 30+ units. https://www.wealthwithoutwallstreet.com/str-mastermind

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