

Invest In Your Business: Best Practices for Attending Events & Masterminds w/Jason Will

What's this episode all about?

One thing that makes a huge difference both in business and our personal lives is our willingness to commit to lifelong learning and self-improvement. Why is it important to attend live events? How do we make sure we’re getting the most out of our event attendance? How do we avoid getting overwhelmed by all the information? On this episode, Jason Will shared how he went from being ego-driven to learning-based, and why he invests so heavily in events and personal development. Mentioned In This Episode: Why entrepreneurs (mistakenly) avoid events How to invest in self-improvement, even at a low cost * Why continued learning is so important for success Why we get more out of events when we pay for them * The importance of humbling ourselves to receive new information * Why we should aim to come away with one solid concept or process that can change our lives.

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Jason Will

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