

BYOB Book Review Part 17 | IBC Sounds Interesting But What if I’m Uninsurable?

What's this episode all about?

There’s nothing worse than hitting a roadblock when you’re trying to do the right thing to protect your family, right? For instance, you're trying to purchase a life insurance policy, but your application gets declined. What would you do? There are options out there, so don't give up just yet. In response to the requests to bring back the BYOB series, Russ and Joey continue their book review, and today, they talk about how you can take advantage of setting up your infinite banking system even when you are uninsurable. This is an eye-opening conversation, so take advantage of this episode!

Top 3 Things
You’ll Learn

  1. What are your options if you are uninsurable?
  2. What to do when you inherit a life insurance policy on your own life
  3. Educating your children about IBC is a greater legacy compared to monetary inheritance


R. Nelson Nash

R. Nelson Nash (1931 - 2019) wrote the book Becoming Your Own Banker that unfolded The Infinite Banking Concept (IBC). He came up with the idea of IBC in the early 1980s when he was struggling with high interest rates on commercial bank loans. Today, many people continue to benefit from using IBC as a tool to achieve financial freedom. Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash: https://www.wealthwithoutwallstreet.com/ibcbook

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Episode Specific Resources:

  • Take advantage of the FREE Financial Strategy Call
    Click Here!
  • The Infinite Banking Concept Explained by a CFP
    Click Here!

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