

Are You Investing With Purpose? with Steven Libman

What's this episode all about?

Is financial gain the only reason you're investing, or is it because you want financial freedom to spend more time with your family? Investing part of your earnings is one of the most reliable ways to build wealth over time and create more financial opportunities in the future. As you put your money aside, you need to have a clear plan on what you will be getting into and why you are doing it. No matter the purpose of your investment, you can make it even more meaningful. If you want to know how to be a good steward of your gifts and learn how to invest with purpose, this episode with Russ, Joey, and Steven Libman will lead you through the right path.

Top 3 Things
You’ll Learn

  1. What are your core values?
  2. How can you be a good steward of your gifts?
  3. How do you connect your investments to match your plans?


Steven Libman

Steven Libman is one of the Managing Partners of Investing With Purpose a company focused on multifamily and self-storage space to create passive, tax-advantaged income for themselves and their investors. The company also runs a donor-advised fund that carves out a percentage of company income to create passive income for nonprofits worldwide. In his spare time, Steven spends time with his wife and three children and volunteering at his local church.

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