The Wealth Without
Wall Street Podcast

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Round Table | Why an eQRP is a Terrible Tool for Financial Freedom
Episode #
50 Minutes

Round Table | Why an eQRP is a Terrible Tool for Financial Freedom

An eQRP or Enhanced Qualified Retirement Plan is marketed as the fastest way to earn more than traditional 401(k)s or self-directed IRAs. It is said to be a system that offers complete flexibility, control, and protection of your investments. Unlike any other retirement account, you have the freedom to choose your investments with an eQRP. That sounds like a fantastic way to build wealth and achieve financial freedom. WRONG!

Access and limitations to how you can use the money

Flexibility in terms of premium and loan payments

Penalties and paperwork

Losing Money While You Sleep with Craig Ballantyne
Episode #
38 Minutes

Losing Money While You Sleep with Craig Ballantyne

Many people dream of having more money, and you probably have the same goal. But what are you doing about it? Warren Buffett once said, “If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” You probably don't realize that you're losing money while you sleep. But all that is about to change if you pay attention to today's conversation between Russ, Joey, and their guest, Craig Ballantyne.

Nighttime rituals to prepare for the next day

Why you need to learn to say NO to many things

Essential tips to maximize your time

Craig Ballantyne

Craig Ballantyne used to be a farm boy from Ontario, Canada, trapped in the lifestyle of being a broke, anxious, binge-drinking personal trainer. But with the help of his mentors, Craig evolved into an Empire Builder with the discipline, clarity, and systems he needed to succeed. He went on to build five 7-figure businesses in five different industries, write three books (including one Wall Street Journal best-seller), and mentor thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world. Connect with Craig Ballantyne: Website - Instagram -

Round Table | Why Your Friends Are Broke and Want You To Be Too
Episode #
50 Minutes

Round Table | Why Your Friends Are Broke and Want You To Be Too

Be careful who you hang out with because being in the wrong company can harm you if you're not careful. We all know that keeping up with the Joneses is a real phenomenon. So, how do you begin to detach yourself from it once you’ve figured out that it’s just not working for you and instead causing you to dig a deeper financial hole every month?

Why are some people broke, and why can't they escape that situation?

What are people doing wrong that keeps them broke?

What are some models that people can follow to correct their course?

Making Coin Through Laundromats with Jordan Berry
Episode #
44 Minutes

Making Coin Through Laundromats with Jordan Berry

Did you know that laundromats are a billion-dollar business in the United States? Can you imagine how many quarters there are in a billion dollars? Yes, laundromats generate a lot of money. However, not all of it becomes the profit of a laundromat owner. Owning a laundromat also comes with steep expenses like utilities and overhead costs. So, how can you make sure your laundromat is profitable? It helps to understand the numbers behind the business, and that's what today's conversation is all about. Let's jump right into making money through laundromats!

The four numbers you need to understand to determine the value of a laundromat

Different business models in the laundromat industry

How to make your laundromat profitable

Jordan Berry

Jordan Berry owns multiple laundromats and is a business and commercial real estate agent. He launched Laundromat Resource, determined never to let a lack of information about the laundromat industry cause someone to suffer the stress he did early on. He created a website where he could provide thorough, transparent, and relevant information for other laundromat owners and prospective owners. became a community dedicated to teaching and learning from one another, growing together, and succeeding together. Connect with Jordan Berry: Website -

Round Table | How To Teach Kids About Money Without Ruining It
Episode #
37 Minutes

Round Table | How To Teach Kids About Money Without Ruining It

As parents, we want to ensure our children learn how to make wise financial decisions before they start living independently. But how do we teach them when they're young? How can they know the value of coins and dollars? It can be challenging for young children to understand the value of money, but as with most knowledge that kids need to acquire, introducing a fun activity can help.

Our goals and expectations as parents for our children

What the coaches tried that didn't work, so you don't have to make the same mistakes

Fun ways to teach kids about money

How to Clone an 8-Figure Business with Tom Dunkel
Episode #
39 Minutes

How to Clone an 8-Figure Business with Tom Dunkel

You've probably heard the saying, “The riches are in the niches," but what does that really mean? How does focusing on a specific niche increase your chances of success? Isn't it wiser to try and reach a broader market? Today's conversation between Russ, Joey, and Tom Dunkel will give you the perspective and insights into why discovering your unique ability and specific niche can lead you to financial success. Tom will even teach you how to clone an 8-figure business and let you in on a secret. So don't miss out on this opportunity!

The importance of discovering your unique ability

Why you must find your niche and go deep into it

How to get the resources you need to achieve your goals

Tom Dunkel

Tom Dunkel brings over 27 years of real estate, finance, and investing experience to his position as Chief Investment Officer at Belrose Storage Group. Working alongside his world-class team of professionals, Tom makes it his mission to find great investment opportunities for his clients while helping them meet their wealth-building goals. He lives in Wayne, Pennsylvania, and enjoys golfing, hiking, and playing guitar. As an avid investor and lifelong learner, Tom is actively involved in organizations, including Self Storage Mastermind, RaiseMasters Mastermind, and the Oren Klaff Braintrust. Connect with Tom Dunkel: Website - Cellphone - 610-761-8940

Round Table | This Will Save You Taxes
Episode #
39 Minutes

Round Table | This Will Save You Taxes

“It's not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.” This famous quote by Robert Kiyosaki appropriately describes today's conversation. How much of our hard-earned money do we get to keep when a massive chunk goes to the government? What can we do legally and ethically to minimize our tax liability to allow us to have more money to use for wealth-building activities? Today's conversation will give you the answers.

What can you do to reduce your tax liability?

How to unlearn old beliefs and learn new ones that will allow you to have more financial flexibility

The benefits of paying less taxes and getting more of your money to work for you

The Active Income vs Passive Income Dilemma
Episode #
37 Minutes

The Active Income vs Passive Income Dilemma

Passive income sounds amazing, but is it really better than active income? Both incomes are required at some point in your lifetime, but which one can help you reach financial freedom faster? What exactly is the difference between active and passive income, and why should you care? That's what Russ and Joey will discuss today. So don't miss the conversation. Top three things you will learn: How to deal with the interest rate dilemma How to use your experience to get involved in profitable investment opportunities Active Income vs. Passive Income October 2023 Income At-A-Glance: Gross Income for October: $64,910.23 Total Expenses for October: $25,926.47 Total Net Profit for October: $38,983.76 Difference b/t September & October: $2,692.37 % of net profit to overall gross revenue: 60%

Round Table | The Value of Experience in IBC
Episode #
48 Minutes

Round Table | The Value of Experience in IBC

Who would you ask for advice when making important decisions, especially about money? What are the qualities you would look for in a money coach? If you want to know more about the Infinite Banking Concept(IBC) and search for information online, you will get different opinions. How do you know which one to believe? We are inclined to trust a person's expertise when they confidently explain their thoughts. So, how do you determine whether the person you’re listening to is an expert or just a confident salesperson? Let's find out in today's conversation about the value of experience in IBC.

Working with an IBC expert vs. an amateur

What problem does IBC solve?

Best practices in setting up IBC

Where to Go If the Dollar Crashes with Dana Samuelson
Episode #
28 Minutes

Where to Go If the Dollar Crashes with Dana Samuelson

Where should you put your money to hedge against inflation? People believe that investing in gold has many benefits and can protect your investment in the long run. Everyone depends on gold when other assets do not offer stability. For this reason, you can see a steep price hike in gold whenever the global equity markets are turbulent. Another advantage of choosing gold is that the rates are stable worldwide, and you will get your money's worth anywhere you trade gold. But do you need complex financial knowledge to invest in this asset? Let's find out in today's episode with Russ, Joey, and their guest, Dana Samuelson.

Why you should consider investing in gold

The best ways to store gold

Where to go to get more knowledge about owning and trading gold

Dana Samuelson

Since the 1980s, Dana Samuelson has seen over a billion dollars worth of gold transactions and founded the world-renowned American Gold Exchange Incorporated, a leading national precious metals and rare coin company specializing in dealer-to-dealer trading and direct sales to the public. Connect with Dana Samuelson: Website -

Round Table | Do This Before You Die
Episode #
42 Minutes

Round Table | Do This Before You Die

We all have goals and things we would love to achieve before we die. But have you thought about preparing your spouse or family for the inevitable? Have you secured their future? As we all know, death doesn't discriminate by age or any other factor. It can come when we least expect it. You may have prepared your last will, but it's not the only thing you must do before you die. While your estate may not be as large as others, it's just as important to have a plan in place in the event of your death. With some preparation, you can put your mind at ease now and save your loved ones a lot of trouble later.

What do you know that no one else knows?

Solutions to the problems you have identified

Tools and strategies to make things simpler

Teaching Kids Business with Brian McClatchie
Episode #
41 Minutes

Teaching Kids Business with Brian McClatchie

As parents, you have the most influence on how your kids deal with money in their adult life. So, what are you teaching your children that you wished you had learned early in life? There are age-appropriate ways to teach financial literacy to kids. The important thing is to make it simple and fun. Today, Brian McClatchie will share how you can teach your kids about the value of money. He draws from his experience with hiring his five daughters and paying them generously.

How to teach your kids about money and business

How to change other people's lives and leave a lasting impact

The benefit of paying your kids as they work for your business

Brian McClatchie

Brian McClatchie co-owns Land Hunter, a family-run small business specializing in buying and selling hunting properties and other types of raw vacant land. His wife and all five of his daughters are involved in their land business. Connect with Brian McClatchie: Website -

Round Table | 1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Back
Episode #
48 Minutes

Round Table | 1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Back

There’s an old saying that you can learn as much from a bad experience as you can from a good one. And that is so true when it comes to the realizations that come with making poor investment decisions. Every investor has had a series of experiences that eventually form their investing principles that may lead to long-term financial success or lost opportunities. So, how do you avoid investment failures that can prevent you from achieving your financial goals? That's what today's conversation is all about.

Lessons and insights from investment failures

What to do next as you pursue your path to financial success

Learning from other people

Decisions That Saved My Life with Ben Buzek
Episode #
34 Minutes

Decisions That Saved My Life with Ben Buzek

Quitting a job you have depended on for most of your career can be sad and exciting at the same time. How do you prepare for this crucial decision? To get through this challenging situation, there are preparations you need to make. And today's conversation with Ben Buzek will give you insights into making the decisions that will save your life.

Dependence vs. Independence

How to find the right community you can depend on

How to build passive income and get ready for retirement

Ben Buzek

Ben Buzek is a Veteran Special Operations Leader and self-taught Real Estate investor partnered in five multifamily properties across three states. He is the co-author of the Amazon bestseller The Transformational Journey. Connect with Ben Buzek: Get a Free Chapter of The Transformational Journey - LinkedIn -

Round Table | The Financial Freedom Starter Guide
Episode #
41 Minutes

Round Table | The Financial Freedom Starter Guide

Financial freedom to afford the lifestyle you want for yourself and your family is an important goal for many people. But starting your path to financial freedom can be challenging if you do not know what to do.

The tools you need to become financially free

How to obtain the knowledge and take action to pursue your financial goals

How to use MOTER (Money, Opportunity, Time, Experience, Relationships) to get to financial freedom faster

Passive Income Retreat Recap with Sharran Srivatsaa
Episode #
38 Minutes

Passive Income Retreat Recap with Sharran Srivatsaa

Sometimes, we all just need a little encouragement or advice. And although our friends and family may try to support us, it is difficult for them to relate if they aren’t in the same situation. That’s why finding a community of like-minded people is so important for success. You have to find the right place where you can learn and grow. Such is the impact of joining the Passive Income Mastermind. If you were not able to join the recent live event, here's your opportunity to hear the biggest takeaways from the 5th Passive Income Retreat. Let's listen to it from Russ, Joey, and Sharran.

Economic outlook and its impact on investing

Different passive income strategies

How to protect your wealth and pass it on to the next generation

Sharran Srivatsaa

Sharran Srivatsaa is the President of Real, the fastest-growing, publicly-traded real estate brokerage in the world. He is also a 4x Inc. 500 Entrepreneur, investor, and mentor to top CEOs and influencers. Connect with Sharran Srivatsaa: The Business School Podcast -

Round Table | The College Playbook for Parents
Episode #
52 Minutes

Round Table | The College Playbook for Parents

Most parents dream of sending their kids to college to help prepare them for a better future. But is it worth the time and money? Does it make you a bad parent if you don't finance your kids' college education? Do you believe they have to go to college to be successful in life? The answer is yes and no, and today's conversation will give you the insights you need to decide if you should or should not send your kids to college. This episode is the closest thing to the college playbook for parents.

To go or not to go to college

Creative ways to pay for college

Alternatives to college (other than becoming a hobo)

Passive Income Wins and Losses
Episode #
35 Minutes

Passive Income Wins and Losses

Are you on your way to building passive income? Have you found an ideal path that matches your skills and passion? How do you keep passive income passive? As you listen to this podcast, you will learn which businesses Russ and Joey are investing in, their wins and losses, and all the lessons they learned. So, if you need ideas to start your financial freedom journey, this podcast and the Wealth Without Wall Street community will show you the way. Top three things you will learn: Lessons learned from investing in Turo and e-commerce How to earn passive income through online assets and affiliate marketing How to keep passive income passive September 2023 Income At-A-Glance: Gross Income for September: $114,621.50 Total Expenses for September: $90,774.26 Total Net Profit for September: $36,291.39 Difference b/t August & September: ($23,239.73) % of net profit to overall gross revenue: 32%

Round Table | Why You Struggle with Debt
Episode #
45 Minutes

Round Table | Why You Struggle with Debt

Being in debt is an uncomfortable topic many people don’t want to discuss. Consumers struggle every day to exit the cycle of debt. For most, debt repayment can be a tiresome process. For others, it seems like a mountain they can't overcome. But debt is not always a bad thing. It can help you achieve your goal of becoming financially free. Do you want to know how being in debt can get you closer to your financial goals?

Your mindset around debt

Understanding the rules of debt

How to leverage debt to accelerate your path to financial freedom

The Providential Entrepreneur with Chad Arnold
Episode #
35 Minutes

The Providential Entrepreneur with Chad Arnold

Are you thinking about diving into the entrepreneurial world? What type of business do you have in mind? Instead of starting a business from scratch, buying an existing business might be a good idea. The franchising model is something you can explore. With the abundance of people who love good coffee and the inviting atmosphere of cafes, it’s no wonder that coffee shop franchise opportunities are catching the attention of aspiring entrepreneurs. Today, Russ and Joey talk to community member Chad Arnold about his journey into franchising Summer Moon Coffee. As you listen to this episode, you’ll gain the knowledge to decide whether investing in a coffee franchise aligns with your dreams and family goals.

How to take action when the opportunity presents itself

Trusting God with every major decision in your life

The importance of having a supportive spouse and community as you enter a new venture

Chad Arnold

Chad met his wife Tori at Southwestern Christian University, and they started a life together in Oklahoma. They had nothing to do with the coffee industry until an opportunity presented itself. Chad's commercial development in Yukon had a coffee shop allocation open for Starbucks, but the deal didn't push through. With Starbucks backing out, Chad called Summer Moon after hearing about it from a family member. And that was the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey. Connect with Chad Arnold: Instagram -

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